Show you have the skills and expertise

Types of expertise for resumes

There are different types of expertise which can be included in a resume.

Soft skills (which are not soft): They are usually industry-specific but they are required in many different fields.

Examples of soft skills include critical analysis, problem-solving, and time management.

These are hard to quantify or prove, but you can give examples of where you showcased these skills in your work experience or personal life.

Hard skills: Hard skills are job-specific abilities which are more technical than soft skills.

Examples include proficiency in a coding language or software program, or even spoken languages.

Specify your skill level in your resume (e.g. beginner, intermediate, expert).

Transferable skills: These types of expertise are specific soft skills which are applicable to a range of different occupations.

It’s helpful to emphasise transferable skills on your resume when you’re looking for a career change.

For instance, working in retail helps build communication skills, which can be applied to marketing jobs too.

Job-related skills: These are specific hard skills listed in job descriptions.

For example, a ‘game developer’ job description could list ‘familiarity with Unity’ as a required skill.

Preferred candidates often have years of experience developing those skills since they don’t require extensive training.

Certifications and licences: These can be obtained through passing certain exams or projects.

Organisations often provide studying material beforehand or optional training courses.

Put your best foot forward

Malcolm builds expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.