Professional Resume writing services

Job Hunting News

Communicate your brand story

Communicate your brand story

The next step is to create a “media plan” that specifies the channels through which you’ll formally convey your brand to others. Contemplate how you can use owned, earned, and paid media to spread your stories. As in product or service marketing, the goal is to...

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Building your personal narrative

Building your personal narrative

A brand is not just a jumble of descriptors floating in the minds of other people. It’s built on the meaningful stories that you’ve communicated and that your audience has processed. You need to identify, craft, and refine the narratives that will communicate your...

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Personal branding – define your purpose

Personal branding – define your purpose

First you need a long-term vision. What difference would you like to make to the various audiences that are important to you, personally and professionally, and what values would you like to embody? Ask yourself how and why you have lived the life you have, and look...

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The importance of online personal branding

The importance of online personal branding

In the next three or four posts I will talk about personal online branding. Recruiters graze across LinkedIn and other job sites looking for the right fit. What they professionally and personally derive from your and other sites is your 'brand'. Personal branding can...

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Labour hire agencies

Labour hire agencies

This is work completed at a site through a recruitment agency. This is referred to as 'labour hire' in the skilled and unskilled labour trade. Sometimes it's called contract or temp work. In this arrangement, the agency becomes your employer and may offer you a...

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Show achievements in your resume

Show achievements in your resume

I keep banging on about this because it's so important. Recruiters and employers don't much care for a list of duties. They want to know whether you were good at your job. Did you hit targets? Did you contribute new ideas? - if so, what were they? Include measures of...

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Is it great to connect? The many lies of LinkedIn

Is it great to connect? The many lies of LinkedIn

This story was written by Thomas Mitchell, the Sydney Morning Herald Culture reporter and it's a beauty. I write and produce LinkedIn sites and they have sometimes got people work. When I say 'sometimes' I mean infrequently. Unless you have a unique skills set such as...

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Fake jobs online

Fake jobs online

Adelaide is the home of fake jobs. They are listed by unscrupulous recruiters to gather contact details from executives to sell clients too. It's hard to tell how many fake jobs there are advertised in South Australia, because 80 per cent of employers and recruiters...

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Number of Adelaide deadline breakers way too high

Number of Adelaide deadline breakers way too high

In a peak writing period we had a client who hired us to write his resume and cover letter for a job. Then he went on holiday and told us three hours before the first deadline, he couldn't make it. I posted the second deadline and he email back and said he couldn't...

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Deadline breakers terminated

Deadline breakers terminated

Everyone has an excuse for breaking writing deadlines. The dog died. Too busy, Car accident. Sick uncle. Dog ate it (same dog). Computer failure. Wedding anniversary. Alien invasion. We’ve heard them all. We've even had people who hire us and then go on holiday! Even...

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New hospitality business model – stealing wages

New hospitality business model – stealing wages

Ali was working the graveyard shift serving late-night city revellers in a Sydney convenience store since he arrived in Australia in 2022, according to the ABC. For the first few months he received regular pay, which helped as he studied for his master's degree in...

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Robotdebt lawyer double dipped on salary

Robotdebt lawyer double dipped on salary

Employment services is a dead fish rotting from the head down. A senior lawyer at the heart of the disastrous and deadly Robodebt scheme has left her Commonwealth job after it was discovered she was consulting for an outside firm that provides legal advice to...

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Another happy Republic Resumes customer

Another happy Republic Resumes customer

Dave has a military background. I could see something right away in the old resume he sent to be updated. His skills, although ill-defined, were deep and comprehensive. It took four drafts to pull his resume in to commercial shape. He had lots of experience and many...

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Young people in generational economic crisis

Young people in generational economic crisis

Faced with higher living costs, low rental vacancy rates and unattainable house prices, young Australians are experiencing an economic crisis that shows no signs of easing — and experts fear it will cause generational inequality to worsen without substantial reform....

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Adelaide, Port Pirie and Barossa resume testimonials

Adelaide, Port Pirie and Barossa resume testimonials

Surender Singh, Port Pirie “A very professional service and reasonable price.” (Surender is an Engineer and got a job with Liberty two months after we did his resume and cover letter) Thai Dang, Adelaide “If you’re looking to get your resume done or touched up,...

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Deadline breakers terminated

Deadline breakers terminated

In Adelaide, everyone has an excuse for breaking writing deadlines. The dog died. Car accident. Sick uncle. Dog ate it (same dog). Computer failure. Wedding anniversary. Alien invasion. We’ve heard them all. I just a person break a deadline without emailing or calling...

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Snout deep in trough for dodgy job providers

Snout deep in trough for dodgy job providers

As an Adelaide resume writer, I have watched cash-hungry so-called ‘job providers’ rort the system for years. They are being paid millions of dollars in public money for work that jobseekers are finding themselves, according to The Guardian. The Department of...

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An employed customer is the best

An employed customer is the best

When I started Republic Resumes, I wanted to use my professional writing and editing skills to get people in Adelaide short-listed for work and to land jobs. Here are some testimonials from happy clients. “I applied for a position at AnglicareSA and was successful...

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Check the job criteria before contacting us

Check the job criteria before contacting us

We often get requests to update a resume and draft a cover letter, in partnership with the client, to apply for a specific position. In a few cases, the client hasn’t looked or doesn’t realise they don’t have the ESSENTIAL experience or a key qualification. It’s...

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Not paying and not responding to emails

Not paying and not responding to emails

We sometimes get prospective clients who don’t pay by the deadline or reply to our emails within 24-48 hours. We don't want their business. They are times wasters. We have heavy demand from job seekers who are highly motivated to get a new resume or an upgraded...

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Resumes that go to work for you

I build expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.