Professional Resume writing services
Job Hunting News
Indian migrants in Adelaide face extreme poverty
As a resume writer working on the frontline of the employment sector in Adelaide, I know some of the most disadvantaged people in Adelaide are migrants – especially Indians (students and skilled workers). The Government of South Australia needs to dragged in to court...
Jobs of the future
My advice to job seekers in tough times is, if in doubt, go back to study. It was a truism when I was in my teens and 20s, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and it’s true now. Just watch out for paying huge fees. Check out if the Federal or state government will fully...
Lockdowns and border closures kills economic future
The economic medicine to contain the Coronavirus has crippled the national economy and driven hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of Australians in to long term penury. Roy Morgan puts unemployment (August) at 13.8 per cent. Real unemployment is closer to 17 per...
Job search strategies for executives (part three)
This is the final blog on Republic Resume's take on executive research strategies. The focus on listing real and verifiable results on the resume is crucial. Compete effectively with consultants. One of the biggest swings in the job market has been employers using...
Republic calls BS as ‘111,000’ people find ‘work’
The Australian Bureau of Statistics today reported the national jobless rate had dropped to 6.8 per cent from 7.5 per cent, adding 110,00 jobs in the last month. That's back to where it was in July 2018, during one of the greatest recessions in Australia's history....
Job search strategies for executives (part two)
This is the second instalment on search strategies for senior managers and executives. Pick an industry that's expanding and consider different business environments. Focus on growth industries and specialisations. Pick an industry that is predicted to grow, will...
Job search strategies for middle and senior executives
Times are tough so for the next three blog posts, so here are some ideas to help middle and senior executives with job searches. Competition for jobs is high as an increasing number of skilled professionals are laid off. While the Internet has made it easier than ever...
Cuts to JobSeeker to cost jobs and the economy $31bn
The Liberal party will slash the boosted Coronavirus dole payments during the greatest recession in Australia’s history. Employment specialists and resume writers know that cutting the $550-a-fortnight coronavirus supplement will slay employment and consumer spending...
Illawarra healthcare jobs boom
The three sectors providing the most employment in the Illawarra region are healthcare, education and retail. They employ about 40 per cent of people who work in the region. Healthcare Healthcare is the biggest and fastest growing employer. About 15 per cent of the...
Republic Resumes helps older worker land job
I take special pride when one of our older clients (>55) gets a job with our help. Below is a testimonial from Allen in Adelaide. “Hi Malcolm, just a quick note to let you know that I have been offered a position as a warehouse and logistics officer with a small...
No career change resumes for six months
We will not accept career change resumes or career change applications for six months (until 1 March 2021), due to the deteriorating demand in the labour market. We are getting an increasing number of people seeking our help to apply for jobs they have no chance of...
Latest from Republic Resumes
Time to update the Republic blog on the jobs front. My apologies for the spree of the economic news stories – once a reporter, etc. Some of the stories I rewrote from the SMH, online specialist news and my own sources. I wanted to give readers a feel of the gravity...
Forget GDP, it’s jobs!
Forget GDP numbers. The true measure of an economic downturn is employment and unfortunately, the ABS methodology understates that by 30-40 per percent. Small business owners and ordinary workers are taking a hammering. The last official recession was back in 1991. It...
How the workforce may change
As a resume writer, I’ve watched the decline (but not extinction) of manufacturing. Unfortunately, administration and retail jobs will follow. That’s why career counsellors are so important. This economic crisis is brutal with workers in the hospitality, tourism,...
Here comes the Brazilians
About three months ago we had a run of Brazilian people looking for work. Three out of the four clients got a job and Marina was one of them. Marina “I am from Brazil and as soon I arrived in Australia, I realised I needed to rewrite my resume and cover-letter....
International students in dire trouble
I take no pleasure that Republic Resumes is booming with clients (online). So many people are out of work and competition is very tight for jobs. This story is a ‘heads-up’ for international students and graduates. One segment of the population who seeks our advice...
The latest on JobKeeper and JobSeeker
Here's what you need to know: The JobKeeper rate is dropping and being split in two. The Government says that end of September it will be time to start weaning Australians and businesses off of the JobKeeper payment. Good luck with that as more than one million people...
The labour market – a view from the frontline
Resume writers have a good view of the labour market from the front line. Here’s a few things I noted which deeply concerned me. The June quarter ABS national accounts will show Australia is in its first recession in almost three decades. In fact, this is worse than a...
Do you really need a resume writer?
Many resume writing services offer unbelievably low rates. This is a red flag. Avoid the, “$60 resume and a 24-hour turnaround time.” More often than not, a low rate means you’re getting an inexperienced writer who is willing to be compensated for much less (some...
Older workers cast on job scrap heap
We should call the Covid-19 recession for what it is. The beginning of a major economic Depression. The ABS unemployment methodology makes us think we’re 'holidaying in the Greek islands' when we are being beaten around the head by an economy on life support. I used...
Resumes that go to work for you
I build expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.