Professional Resume writing services

Job Hunting News

Check you’re the right fit before applying

Check you’re the right fit before applying

We often get requests to update a resume and draft a cover letter, in partnership with the client, to apply for a specific position. In a few cases, the client hasn’t looked or doesn’t realise they don’t have the ESSENTIAL experience or a qualification for the...

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Pregnant and job hunting? Do your research

Pregnant and job hunting? Do your research

“I have recently discovered I am pregnant and at the same time, I am also applying for a new job. I don’t know when to tell my future employers I am having a baby and worry that if I do tell them, I won’t get the job. What should I do?” The above question was posed in...

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Sacked Deliveroo rider ‘not a contractor’

Sacked Deliveroo rider ‘not a contractor’

In a decision that will put the willies up some ‘gig employers’, Deliveroo was ordered to reinstate a rider after a Fair Work tribunal ruled he was unfairly dismissed and was not an independent contractor. Commissioner Ian Cambridge ruled Mr Franco had been unfairly...

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Career happiness is a trade-off

Career happiness is a trade-off

This is an old ABC story from a couple of years ago, which I kept. It resonated with me because most of the jobs I’ve had have been pretty good. But there have been a few shockers. With the shockers, I walked. Society tells us to do what we love. And if we love what...

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Testimonials assert credibility

Testimonials assert credibility

I sometimes ask clients to get a brief testimonial from a senior report, an academic, a client (but not from a first referee). They help establish credibility and reconfirm in the mind of the reader early on page one of the resume, that the applicant is a professional...

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Cover letters that get job interviews

Cover letters that get job interviews

I enjoy writing targeted cover letters in partnership with clients (after we’ve written the resume). Every paragraph is a ‘punchy’ selling point, which goes to the heart of the application. Here a few hints: Don’t use the same cover letter for different job...

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TAFE SA to privatise more training courses

TAFE SA to privatise more training courses

It’s frustrating for people working at the cutting edge of employment services, to see policies enacted by the SA Government, which will lead to more unemployment and further erode organisational capability. South Australia is well on the way to outsourcing by...

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Hard to get wages up if employers don’t train

Hard to get wages up if employers don’t train

Besides all of the flag waving by the banks and employer groups to let in more migrants, now is the time to put a hold on that for three years. For two decades, business people haven’t worried whether they’ll have enough skilled workers, so they haven’t put much...

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Ageism – you’re too old to work

Ageism – you’re too old to work

I help clients fight age prejudice by employing the latest in resume writing and interview techniques. It ain’t easy but I’ve had some remarkable successes. I gained invaluable insight in to methods to fight to notion that people are too old to work when I worked in...

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Job hero beats training and employment service shonks

Job hero beats training and employment service shonks

A job hero and goal kicker in the employment sector. Has Adelaide got anyone like her? As for JobMaker Hiring Credit Scheme, it’s a monumental fail. In one year, Vanessa Nieuwenhuizen found work for 150 people in and around Logan, one of Queensland's unemployment...

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Dropping unemployment to fix wage stagnation

Dropping unemployment to fix wage stagnation

What’s that sound? It’s one million people on JobKeeper hitting the wall. Expect a massive slowdown in spending in April through to June 30. The Federal Government wants to get the rate of unemployment down to 4.5 per cent or lower (try 3 per cent) and induce wage...

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Read the website before contacting us

Read the website before contacting us

About one quarter of people who email or call me, haven’t read the website first. Recruiters make a similar complaint. Applicants don’t read the job description. It’s a truth well acknowledged by most recruiters that due to their dodgy ethics, I have very little time...

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Unconscionable interview questions

Unconscionable interview questions

Jonathan Rivett in The Age asks, ‘What is the best way to deal with questions that are out of line in a job interview?’ If you live in Adelaide, you’ll know what I’m talking about. I’ve sat in job interviews where people have asked my sexual preferences, my political...

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Nailing video interviews

Nailing video interviews

I took this story about video job interviews from Digital Journal which has some interesting stories. The links are good too. The COVID-19 era has led a temporary (and in some cases more permanent) vacation of offices nationwide, which has stripped a human element...

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‘Dobseeker’ hotline targets unemployed

‘Dobseeker’ hotline targets unemployed

As if bona fide job seekers don't have enough to worry about. The Morrison government’s new Employer Reporting Line or ‘Dobline’, allows employers to dob in jobseekers for rejecting employment offers and/or behaving badly in interviews, missing appointments or...

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Anonymous resume applications reduces bias

Anonymous resume applications reduces bias

Ages ago Germany conducted a study where eight major companies adopted ‘anonymous’ hiring practices for 12 months. Not one piece of personal or identification information was disclosed before the interview process. While the sample size was small, the researchers...

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Select Committee into Job (in)Security

Select Committee into Job (in)Security

In same category as effectiveness of tits on a bill, a Select Senate Committee into Job Security is examining the state of insecure employment and workplace rights and conditions, across Australia. This is like investigating storm water damage after Noah beached his...

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The copy and pasters (part 2)

The copy and pasters (part 2)

This is the second part of an examination of the dodgy resume writer ‘Copy and Pasters’, who infect Adelaide’s professional writing community. To be honest, most don’t live in Adelaide but that’s another story. Below is a real life example. The resume writer here has...

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Beware the dodgy resume ‘copy and paste’ shonks

Beware the dodgy resume ‘copy and paste’ shonks

This story is about the ‘Copy and Pasters’ who inhabit Adelaide’s resume writing community. To be honest, most don’t live in Adelaide. While that’s an issue, a much graver concern is the quality of the work they produce. They copy and paste the same text over and over...

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Resume writer saves applicants money

Resume writer saves applicants money

I’m going to save you between $250-$500 because there are times when no professional resume writer in the world will help you get that special job. OK, so you’ve seen a job. It’s your dream job. You think, ‘I’ll hire a professional writer to help me. That way I’m sure...

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Resumes that go to work for you

I build expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.