Professional Resume writing services
Job Hunting News
‘One chance’ to wipe $400M from small business in SA
The lockdown in SA, after five people tested positive to Covid-19 (delta), has wiped about $200M off small business revenue in the last week. Adelaide is tumbleweed city as state debt will rise to a colossal $34B over the forward estimates, which means massive job...
Nothing more dead than a deadline breaker
We hate deadline breakers. They show us and prospective employers how useless they would be as employees. We've heard all of the excuses. The dog died. Car accident. Sick uncle. Dog ate it. Computer failure. Forgot to save. Wedding anniversary. Alien invasion ... or...
Check the job criteria before applying
We often get requests from Adelaide clients to update a resume and draft a cover letter to apply for a specific position. In a few cases, the client hasn’t looked or doesn’t realise they don’t have the ESSENTIAL experience or a qualification, for a key part of the...
Oz unemployment at 4.9%? Send in the clowns…
The ABS unemployment methodology is no longer fit for purpose. Sydney and Melbourne’s CBD’s are wastelands (Adelaide was bad before the virus) with hospitality and tourism on their knees, international air travel grounded and our universities are tumbleweed cities....
Client testimonials are gold to resume writers
The true currency of a professional resume writer is client testimonials. I value them above all else. If a business doesn't have solid and current testimonials, avoid them like Covid-19. “Malcolm has provided a fantastic service to our 70 employees at Coca-Cola...
Republic Resumes fights back as Adelaide’s CBD dies
A Deloitte Economics report says Adelaide’s CBD has been smashed by the Covid-19 restrictions and it will take until 2026/7 before retailers can see light at the end of the tunnel. Adelaide’s CBD was in dire straits before the restrictions and now it’s a scene out of,...
International jobseekers find jobs with Republic
International jobseekers in Adelaide have a hard time. Republic Resumes kicks down the door for onshore international clients. Marina Soares was a Trade Marketing Analyst with six years’ experience in the beverage and cosmetics industries in Brazil. She had kicked...
‘My HR department let me down’ – SMH article
This Q&A article is by Jonathan Rivett, who writes for the Sydney Morning Herald. I’ve edited it for length. The relationship between HR and workers has always been vexed. I will write more on this later but if you have a serious issue, it’s usually proper...
Republic Resumes helps older jobseekers get a job
There was a time people when South Australians between 55-65, were retiring and lying on the beach or riding rickshaws in exotic locales. Not anymore because they can’t download their super early or simply don’t have enough saved. The last thing they were thinking...
Shonky Adelaide recruiter asks for CV before sending PD
Every now and then I hear things on the grapevine, which confirms that recruiters are reprehensible, unethical A-holes, who, when the revolutions comes, should be stood up against the wall and shot. There is allegedly a recruiter at Hudson in Adelaide who won’t send...
Creating a LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn sites add more breadth and detail than a resume but the two should work together as strategic marketing documents. A strong LinkedIn profile lets people know who you are, what you do and what you’re interested in. Add a professional profile photo. It...
TAFE SA and SATAC fail again and again and again
If you've ever wondered why South Australians chose interstate online training and education providers, look no further. TAFE SA and SATAC are basket cases. Chandra Bangaru (pictured) quit his job as a chef in preparation for full-time study and a fresh start as a...
Casual workers forgotten in COVID lockdowns
As almost half of Australia battles through lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of casual workers without leave entitlements or JobKeeper payments, are facing an uncertain and anxious future. Snap COVID lockdowns are in place across Greater Sydney and until recently,...
Get in early – Republic booking out by Wednesday
My apologies to those prospective clients who are contacting me on a Thursday or Friday. By Tuesday night or Wednesday afternoon, we are booked out. It's best to contact me early in the week - Sunday is fine - and send me your resume with the first contact. Currently,...
Hold belly and laugh – jobless rates in Adelaide’s west
I don’t always look at the headline monthly ABS figures because they tend to be a crock of methodological bulldust. But this cluster of statistics as reported by InDaily is worth comment. According to the ABS, the unemployment rate in Western Adelaide fell to 4.4 per...
Shonky resume writers
A very angry woman told me this week she felt ‘ripped off’ by a local 'writer' who merely retyped her old resume in to a standard resume template nicked from Google and charged her $300.00. The 'writer' didn’t market her unique selling points, didn’t write her...
The art of the internship cover letter
This post is from Alison Doyle, an American employment specialist and expert. I like her work very much. Here she writes about internship cover letters. If you are applying for an internship you will likely have to submit a cover letter as part of your application....
When all else fails, grab a sign and hit the streets
This story is from ABC News online. When all else fails, grab a sign and hit the streets. Kushagra Jhurani had applied for "at least" 200 jobs across Australia without any success, after graduating with a Masters of Architecture last year. “Seven years of university,...
Five PC interview questions you should (not) ask
One of the more bizarre ‘new stories’ with a PC focus, by run by The Advertiser. It was originally sourced from The Sun in London, which is very odd. According to one UK HR expert and TikTok user, 'taniracqurwrld', who shares recruitment advice on her account, there...
New world, new behaviours
The economy is emerging from the pandemic but it’s markedly transformed, as businesses and consumers struggle to adapt to a new landscape with fewer workers, new innovations and a range of ongoing area quarantines and lockdowns. In June 2019, the Australian...
Resumes that go to work for you
I build expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.