Professional Resume writing services
Job Hunting News
Deadline breakers need not apply
Everyone has an excuse for breaking deadlines. The dog died. Car accident. Sick uncle. Dog ate it (same dog). Computer failure. Forgot to save. Wedding anniversary. Alien invasion. We’ve heard them all. Once you’re terminated – whether you're a prospective client or...
Avoid the retirement void and follow one’s passions
Retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be for some. When I started Republic Resumes in Adelaide about 10 per cent of my clients were retirees wanting to work part time or casually. It's not easy with age prejudice but a good resume writer will use various strategies...
LinkedIn users blurring lines between home and work
Since the start of the pandemic, as office workers missed in-person interactions with colleagues, many people turned to LinkedIn to help make up for what they had lost. The site now has more than 830 million users who generate about 8 million posts and comments daily....
LinkedIn and a heads-up for international students and graduates
Readers of this blog might notice that I have no love for Adelaide’s recruiters. But one thing we do agree on is if international graduates txt or emails us with this, “you help me get job. How much?” the chances of getting a reply are low. Very low. Why? Because we...
Adelaide international students – beware of spin
International students have welcomed the news that Australia wants to keep them here for longer after they graduate. They reckon the move will not only help to attract more students to Australian universities but will help them to secure graduate roles. Under new...
Recruiter bias consolidates stale white male regime
Ages ago Germany conducted a study on recruiter bias where eight major companies adopted ‘anonymous’ hiring practices for 12 months. Not one piece of personal or identification information was disclosed before the interview stage. All biographical information was...
Avinash Sanjeev Pilli’s review a job suicide note
We don’t get many one star Google reviews. In fact, this is the first in many years. It’s worth quoting in full out of fairness. “Malcolm King is very unfriendly. He sent me email at 3:10pm expecting to reply by 7pm. during that time I was not in front of my laptop or...
Resume mills rort innocent job seekers
Resume mills are cheap and nasty. They flog their services online from Perth to Sydney. I see them checking out our website (27 direct contacts last Friday!) and we know exactly who they are. The money they earn from the poor buggers who use them, is spent on...
LinkedIn is good but can’t replace a killer resume
LinkedIn and a resume are two very different tools. Here are some of their strengths and weaknesses. Resumes are the first strike weapon in landing a job. They must grab the recruiter or employer’s attention quickly. This requires persuasive and factual writing aimed...
OTR to pay $5.8m to avoid more wage theft claims
I first heard about OTR’s dubious training scheme in Adelaide back in 2014. Federal court documents reveal OTR agreed to pay $5.8 million dollars to settle a class action involving accusations it underpaid staff across South Australia between 2014 and 2020. The class...
Migration deal to punish employed, unemployed and underemployed
Unions and employers have backed an insane case to boost migration from 160,000 to 200,000 places a year. This will throw thousands of people out of work as cheap labour floods the jobs market and drives wages down. Hundreds of thousands of Australians – so far...
White-Collar professionals stuck in contract roles
While this is from Forbes magazine in the USA, there is a trend in Australia of recent graduates and highly experienced, well-credentialed workers, getting stuck in a cycle of short-term, contract roles. Freelancers are now a major force in the United States...
Bring back the CES and scrap shonky job agencies
As a resume writer and employment expert, I hear hundreds of stories of clients being forced to do ridiculous training so their job agencies profit. Big questions remain if the privatised employment network gives a good return on taxpayer money or indeed, whether the...
Migrants? Forget them. Help the 100,000 older workers looking for a job
It’s farcical that the Federal Government is considering flooding the jobs market with migrants when there are more than 100,000 older workers, over 45 years of age, looking for a job. There are also about 400,000 people on the aged pension who want to work more. Last...
No skills or labour shortage – use older workers
As an Adelaide resume writer, I have strong and evidence-based research on the labour market. It’s gratifying to have someone in a senior research position agree with me. Professor John Buchanan, a labour economist at the University of Sydney, said the ABS figures on...
Creating a LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn sites add more breadth and detail than a resume but the two should work together as strategic marketing documents. We write LinkedIn profiles after we have completed the resume. A strong LinkedIn profile lets recruiters and employers know who you are, what...
Hays: the most in-demand skills for 2022
According to Hays, below are the top five most in-demand skills that companies need nationally. I’ve made some comments in italics at the end of each section. IT Project Managers “IT Project Managers are in demand to lead digital transformation programs. Organisations...
Non-response in the ‘unemployment survey’
Just to show that I'm not just a pretty-faced resume writer - which I'm not - I've included a summary on research I did on non-response in the Labour Force survey. People are not only dropping out of the workforce, they're not filling in the 'unemployment survey'. The...
You’re a uni or TAFE students and want a resume writer
For many tertiary students, working with a resume writer is their first taste of non-negotiable deadlines and meeting the professional expectations of others. If the resume writer is any good (that’s a subject in itself), he or she will be very busy but most will do...
Loving your job is a capitalist trap: Gen Zs and millennials
Young people are discovering that many workplaces are nothing more than psychic prisons and it’s better to go one’s own way. What's fuelling this? Toxic work culture, wage theft, bullying, sexism, minimal flexibility, meaningless work, no work/life balance and the...
Resumes that go to work for you
I build expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.