Professional Resume writing services
Job Hunting News
Wages worth less as inflation rises
Wages aren't rising as quickly as inflation (7.2 per cent), which means they’re falling. Yet you won’t get any finance journalists or analysts stating this because they are shackled to the neo-liberal economic paradigm, which should have died back in 2007/2008. In the...
Internship cover letters
We don’t work on graduate employment collateral any more but this his post from Alison Doyle, an American employment specialist and expert, is very good. She writes about internship cover letters. It might help some applicants out. Your cover letter should be tailored...
Writing killer cover letters
At Republic Resumes, we use cover letters as a carrot to drive employers to read the resume. A well-written cover letter can boost your chances of landing an interview. A cover letter and resume are designed to complement each other. While a resume should include...
Job hunting migrants with degrees get shafted
The story below is from the ABC but I’ve added my ten cents worth. Dr Niazai is a 35-year-old Afghan-born Melburnian and an expert in forest ecology and climate change, with a master's degree and a PhD from Kyoto University in Japan. He has headed projects for the...
Testimonials show we go to work for you
When I started Republic Resumes, I wanted to use my business and political knowledge and professional writing skills to get people in Adelaide short-listed for work and to land jobs. We are achieving my aim, one client at a time. Here are some recent testimonials from...
Republic closed until 26 October
Republic is closed until Wednesday, 26 October. Myself and the other writers are uncontactable. Congratulations to former clients Paul and Denise, who found jobs last week. Prospective clients need a virus-free laptop/desktop and Word. Note we terminate client jobs...
Better than home from work
I was advocating that more people should work from home seven years ago but HR people were incensed. Now it has come to pass. Before the virus disrupted our lives, only 8 per cent of Australians regularly worked at home. That number has jumped to about 40 per cent at...
Why don’t you write selection criteria?
Once upon a time, when dinosaurs ruled the earth, we wrote government and NGO selection criteria. We charged $40.00 per criteria. We didn’t write many in Adelaide because of the price. They were a lot of work and I had some ethical issues with them. I stopped writing...
Deadline breakers need not apply
Everyone has an excuse for breaking deadlines. The dog died. Car accident. Sick uncle. Dog ate it (same dog). Computer failure. Forgot to save. Wedding anniversary. Alien invasion. I had a client recently who said the resume deadline 'fell off his radar'. We can...
What happened to the Holden workers?
It’s five years since the last locally made Commodore rolled off the production line in Elizabeth. New research shows former Holden employees have struggled to find secure work since the shutdown. One-third of former employees retired, one-third have struggled to find...
Government drops standards for migrants intake
In a staggering return to the bad old days of the Howard Government, the federal government has made it easier for GPs, teachers, early educators and aged-care nurses with poor English, with little experience and lower qualifications, to apply for work in Australia....
Skills shortage a farrago of truth and spin
Check out the link below. The National Skills Commission says the nation is facing a "staggering" skills shortage and reckons occupation shortages doubled in 2022 as the labour market tightened....
Workforce Australia scheme a cruel joke
Labor MP Julian Hill - who in opposition supported the Workforce Australia scheme - says privatisation has failed to prepare disadvantaged jobseekers for work and made others less employable by demeaning them, according to an article in The Guardian. Employment...
Avoid the retirement void and update the resume
Retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be for some. When I started Republic Resumes in Adelaide about 10 per cent of my clients were retirees wanting to work part time or casually. I focused on their interests and targeted their resumes to new careers. The story...
When enquiries lose the plot
It could be the temper of the times or generational differences but we’ve had a few enquiries ‘lose the plot’ because we’ve knocked them back. They think we’re awful people because we didn’t take them on as clients. We’re recruiters, journalists and professional...
No more graduate resumes, covers or LinkedIn sites
Republic Resumes will no longer write graduate resumes, cover letters or LinkedIn sites. The business is returning to its roots of providing working class and white collar professional writing services. All of SA’s major universities and TAFE centres have career...
Hire mature-age trainees and kill ageism
Don’t hire cheap migrants just off the plane. Hire older Australian workers who’ve proved their metal and paid their dues. I also don’t hear the PC crowd attacking victims of age prejudice. This story is from the ABC. Finding it hard to find another role in the...
Self-sabotage kills the job hunt
You get to see some unusual behaviour as a professional writer. One of the most curious is self-defeating or self-sabotaging actions. The most common self-sabotaging behaviours include procrastination, self-medication with drugs or alcohol and comfort eating. These...
Executive job search strategies
Apologies for the long post but I want to help middle and senior executives with job search strategies. Forget the ‘shotgun’ job search method Many people still use the ‘shotgun’ method to conduct a job search. They read the job ads and submit a standard resume to as...
Don’t ignore older workers amid skills shortage
I've been posting stories on age prejudice for 12 years but one has to keep hopeful. This story is from the ABC and the full link is at the end of the blog. Diane Roberts has been looking for work for the past seven years and believes age is her biggest hurdle. The...
Resumes that go to work for you
I build expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.