Professional Resume writing services
Job Hunting News
Dodgy academic qualifications on your resume?
The head of the Northern Territory public service has warned staff to "carefully verify" employee qualifications, after the anti-corruption watchdog found a public officer falsified their resume to win three high-ranking jobs. The Commissioner for Public Employment,...
LinkedIn isn’t Facebook
With 900 million professionals registering their resume and career attainments on LinkedIn, it’s a valuable resource for head-hunters and employers. I write about one new LinkedIn site a week for a client after we have completed a resume. They help with the job hunt....
Republic closed until 25 May
Republic Resumes and Republic Media are closed until 25 May. Malcolm King is not contactable.
Solid gold reviews and testimonials
Below is a sample of Republic Resume's Google reviews. They are the gold standard. You can find more of my Google reviews online or by checking out my testimonials. The future of resume writing is individually tailored resumes written by a professional with a solid...
Resume writer as miracle worker
It doesn’t happen very often but it’s worth a short blog post. We sometimes get a client who states they want a resume upgrade but on further inspection - and after we’ve provided the quote - they want far more than that. They are actually career changers and nothing...
Protect yourself and referees
Should people include their residential addresses details on their resume? I think they should but I have some reservations for women. You wouldn’t give your home address out to just anyone, would you? That’s a privacy and safety issue. It’s ameliorated somewhat by...
Clients nailing job interviews with Republic
We've had a run of successes with clients who go through our job interview training. Quintana was nervous as she was short-listed for a job in the SA public service. After doing some home work and spending one hour with me on Zoom, she nailed the interview and the...
Creating a LinkedIn profile
We write LinkedIn profiles after we've finished writing the resume. But you don't need a professional writer to produce your own LinkedIn site. LinkedIn sites add more breadth and detail than a resume but the two should work together as strategic marketing documents....
Snoops from Columbus, Ohio
We enjoy having international spammers from the USA visit our site. There are one or two snoops from Columbus, Ohio who usually visit about 3.00am their time. They've been doing it for a while which makes them easy to track and pin point. Why do people do it? They...
We’ve hired the writer – let’s go on holiday!
It’s galling that some clients go on holiday when we’re in the middle of writing their resume, cover letter or personal marketing website. Why don’t they contact us afterwards? They say things like, “I’m not in a hurry” but we’ve got people clambering at our door for...
Final word on selection criteria
I’ve written about why we don’t write selection criteria before. We recently had a prospective client seek our help to apply for a fairly senior management job with a major airline. It carries a salary of around $110,000 and up. We give advice and help with the...
Young, ambitious and want a job in Adelaide?
How to find a job in the City of Churches when you don’t have a posh surname, didn’t go to a private school and your Dad isn’t an investment banker. Here are a few tips for your resume. If you want your resume written in partnership with me, you know what to do. But...
Client testimonials and killer February
Client testimonials are gold for resume writers. February was one of our strongest months with six people short-listed for work another five finding work. This client testimonial on Google tells part of the story. Laima was going for an executive position in the...
More Republic successes and two fails
I need to find more time to follow up client successes but we are working 24/7. Congrats to Tony and Susan who in the last month got jobs in the mines. Tony had the tickets and the experience and Susan had the tickets and profile. We created two classic mining resumes...
The devil in the selection criteria
A few prospective clients want us to write a ten or 12 point selection criteria for them. The only person who can write a subjective selection criteria, where they are asked to write 300 words per criteria which demonstrates values and outcomes, is the client. It's a...
More please – Adelaide’s middle class kids go without
Adelaide's middle class is now battling "hidden poverty" as they access Foodbank and charities support for the first time in their lives. Interest rate hikes are biting hitting hard as some families now pay $700 more a month in mortgage. The problems are exacerbated...
Australia to buy US five Virginia class subs
The U.S. will speed up Australia’s acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines by arranging for Canberra’s first few subs to be built in the US, which in the short and middle term, shafts the SA Governments dreams. Submarine production would later shift to Britain and...
Age prejudice and job interviews
Dr Kirstin Ferguson from the Sydney Morning Herald tackles questions on the workplace, career and leadership in her advice column “Got a Minute?” I’ve added my perspective as well. Q. Recently, I was left feeling a bit baffled after one of my job interviews. I have...
Asking about salary
Dr Kirstin Ferguson from the SMH tackles questions on the workplace, career and leadership in her advice column “Got a Minute?” I've chucked in my ten cents worth too. Q. I am going for a new job and dread the interview question about salary expectations. I am young,...
Applying to Australia’s security services
We infrequently get people wanting us to write a resume for the Australian security services such as the ACIC, ASIO, ASIS, etc. That’s not a problem as we work in partnership with the client. It becomes more problematic when the client wants us to write a specific...
Resumes that go to work for you
I build expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.