Six million Melbourne people have put up with a ton of pain to beat the virus.
Many have gone broke, they’ve lost their houses, families have split up and more. Around 1000 jobs a day are vanishing.
Premier Andrews has again hit the “pause” button. He’s clueless.
The decision to delay reopening is an admission the crucial contact tracing system is not good enough.
The Victorian Government is imposing more pain on Melbourne people because of its own failings. It bungled the hotel quarantine and hundreds died.
Andrews hasn’t provided data or modelling to support the destruction of market capitalism in his own state.
Business after business now say they will ignore all restrictions.
These are not idiots or irresponsible tin hat-wearing conspiracy theorists.
These are honest, hard-working people who have had enough of the trickery and the incompetence.
Until we get a vaccine there will always be outbreaks. But society cannot remain locked down.
We need to strike a balance between risk and the human devastation lockdown brings. We must fix the tracing and it must react quickly, without spin or lies, when it needs to react.
Business has long lost patience with the Andrews government and even the churches are rebelling.
The public has had enough of his arrogance and trickery.