Cutting number of Adelaide clients

Number of Adelaide deadline breakers way too high

In a peak writing period we had a client who hired us to write his resume and cover letter for a job.

Then he went on holiday and told us three hours before the first deadline, he couldn’t make it.

I posted the second deadline and he email back and said he couldn’t make that.

He hadn’t read the website, the terms and conditions or the initial email which says we work to DEADLINES.

I terminated his work straight way. Time wasters destroy our business model.

Sydney or overseas clients rarely break deadlines but in Adelaide, it’s a major problem.

Therefore we are winding back our Adelaide client intake by 50 per cent.

New Adelaide clients will have to show they will comply with deadlines

Put your best foot forward

Malcolm builds expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.