Here’s what you need to know:
The JobKeeper rate is dropping and being split in two.
The Government says that end of September it will be time to start weaning Australians and businesses off of the JobKeeper payment.
Good luck with that as more than one million people need it to survive.
From September 28, the payment will fall to $1,200 a fortnight, followed by a further drop at the beginning of January 2021 to $1,000.
But that’s only if you were working at least 20 hours a week before JobKeeper was introduced.
If you were a part-timer, then your payment will fall to $750 a fortnight from the end of the month, then to $650 a fortnight at the start of next year.
All extensions will expire on March 28, 2021.
They must know something we don’t know about finding a vaccine because this will further slash household spending.
The changes are due to come into effect in less than four weeks’ time, despite the fact Melbourne is still under strict lockdown.
What about JobSeeker?
Since March, the $550-a-fortnight JobSeeker payment (a rebranded Newstart allowance or ‘the dole)’ has been doubled to about $1,100 a fortnight with the introduction of the coronavirus supplement.
But from September 25, the supplement will fall to $250 a fortnight, taking the total JobSeeker payment to just over $800 a fortnight.
The coronavirus supplement also affects Youth Allowance recipients, Austudy recipients and those who are on some other government payments.
The youth allowance payment will be reduced to $710, while people receiving the higher parenting payments also face the $300 a fortnight reduction.
The Government has also moved to reintroduce the liquid assets test for JobSeeker recipients, which means those with substantial savings will be required to wait up to 13 weeks to access payments.
The changes to JobSeeker will continue until December 31 but will probably continue after that.