Testimonials keep me honest and motivated

Testimonials keep me honest and motivated

I’m always so grateful when people realise that I’m personally and politically motivated to write the best resumes possible. I want people to get work. Testimonials mean the world to me. Thanks guys! Brett Webster Five stars, 4 days ago “Malcolm was precise, to...
Unemployment by government economic decree

Unemployment by government economic decree

This story has the hallmark of the self-evident for those who’ve studied the Australian economy. We keep people on the dole to keep inflation low. This story is sourced from the ABC and it’s worth reading. Economic Guru Professor Ross Garnaut from the University of...
Millions of US jobs gone after the pandemic ends

Millions of US jobs gone after the pandemic ends

This story is from the Washington Post – and I’ve put my ten cents in too. It will be ignored in Australia but the pandemic has changed the nature of the jobs market. It shows how important Australian TAFE and universities will be to retrain people. Millions of jobs...
Dole up by less than $4.00 a day

Dole up by less than $4.00 a day

Unemployed Aussies will be get $50-a-fortnight more in their dole when the coronavirus supplement ends in March – but employers will have the power to dob in anyone refusing a job offer. The federal government announced the dole would be lifted to $615.70 a...
The weird world of SEO

The weird world of SEO

On December 4, Google adjusted its algorithms and Republic Resumes dropped nine organic places. Whoa! I knew what was wrong. Not enough content and one other issue. I contacted a few SEO guys (where are the women SEO experts?) and got a quote ranging from $5000 to...
Bosses may use JobMaker to sack older workers

Bosses may use JobMaker to sack older workers

Talk about intergenerational tension. The ABC ran a story yesterday which said employers could sack older, experienced staff and replace them with workers earning just a third of the salary and get a taxpayer-funded JobMaker grant to do it. I’ve edited the ABC story...