Sacked Deliveroo rider ‘not a contractor’

Sacked Deliveroo rider ‘not a contractor’

In a decision that will put the willies up some ‘gig employers’, Deliveroo was ordered to reinstate a rider after a Fair Work tribunal ruled he was unfairly dismissed and was not an independent contractor. Commissioner Ian Cambridge ruled Mr Franco had been unfairly...
Career happiness is a trade-off

Career happiness is a trade-off

This is an old ABC story from a couple of years ago, which I kept. It resonated with me because most of the jobs I’ve had have been pretty good. But there have been a few shockers. With the shockers, I walked. Society tells us to do what we love. And if we love what...
Testimonials assert credibility

Testimonials assert credibility

I sometimes ask clients to get a brief testimonial from a senior report, an academic, a client (but not from a first referee). They help establish credibility and reconfirm in the mind of the reader early on page one of the resume, that the applicant is a professional...
Cover letters that get job interviews

Cover letters that get job interviews

I enjoy writing targeted cover letters in partnership with clients (after we’ve written the resume). Every paragraph is a ‘punchy’ selling point, which goes to the heart of the application. Here a few hints: Don’t use the same cover letter for different job...
TAFE SA to privatise more training courses

TAFE SA to privatise more training courses

It’s frustrating for people working at the cutting edge of employment services, to see policies enacted by the SA Government, which will lead to more unemployment and further erode organisational capability. South Australia is well on the way to outsourcing by...
Hard to get wages up if employers don’t train

Hard to get wages up if employers don’t train

Besides all of the flag waving by the banks and employer groups to let in more migrants, now is the time to put a hold on that for three years. For two decades, business people haven’t worried whether they’ll have enough skilled workers, so they haven’t put much...