Big bucks for job agencies for doing bugger all

Big bucks for job agencies for doing bugger all

As a resume writer, one of the most common complaints I hear is the treatment of clients at job agencies. The story below was sourced from The Guardian. For the past two decades, millions of people who have found themselves unemployed have been sent to one of the...
Resume key words and clauses

Resume key words and clauses

I know a few tricks which may help you get short listed, especially if recruiters use scanners. Try using some key words and clauses in your resume. These aren’t substitutes for responsibilities and results but qualitative achievements are well regarded. PEOPLE...
More testimonials

More testimonials

You can’t run a professional writing business without testimonials. I’m particularly happy for Yusha, a University of Adelaide Engineering Graduate. She contacted me three months ago and we worked in partnership on her resume for an application for a...
Tips for writing a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Tips for writing a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

When applying for senior professional positions, you may be required to submit a curriculum vitae (CV) rather than a resume. CVs are typically used for academic, medical, research, and scientific applications. A CV provides more information than your typical resume....
Check you’re the right fit before applying

Check you’re the right fit before applying

We often get requests to update a resume and draft a cover letter, in partnership with the client, to apply for a specific position. In a few cases, the client hasn’t looked or doesn’t realise they don’t have the ESSENTIAL experience or a qualification for the...
Pregnant and job hunting? Do your research

Pregnant and job hunting? Do your research

“I have recently discovered I am pregnant and at the same time, I am also applying for a new job. I don’t know when to tell my future employers I am having a baby and worry that if I do tell them, I won’t get the job. What should I do?” The above question was posed in...