Basic resume tips from Hudson recruiters

Basic resume tips from Hudson recruiters

When writing a resume, consider avoiding long lists of responsibilities or duties. Instead, focus on achievements. Begin each with a dynamic action word or phrase like ‘designed’, ‘coached’, ‘assessed’, ‘undertook’, ‘supervised’, ‘organised’, ‘managed’, ‘transformed’,...
DES agencies fail clients with degrees

DES agencies fail clients with degrees

Under the heading of ‘shonks’, you’ll find recruiters, employment service providers, job trainers, disability employment agencies (DES) and ‘cut and paste’ resume writers. When I talk to clients with a disability, I tell them to go to specific agencies who...
How about the working poor?

How about the working poor?

We don’t talk about the unemployed, let alone the working poor. About 20 per cent of my resume and career advice clients fall in to the latter category. Male full-time work was on the slide before the Coronavirus hit. Now it’s in free fall. There are still nearly...
Unlawful Robodebt: court approves $1.8bn for victims

Unlawful Robodebt: court approves $1.8bn for victims

Two of the biggest government fiascos, the VET FEE rip off and the Robotdebt persecution will be remember for many years. The latter was shameful and egregious. The federal court recently approved a settlement worth $1.8bn between the commonwealth and victims of the...
Build a better life after burnout

Build a better life after burnout

As a professional writer, whether writing resumes, PR features and backgrounders, I hear stories of burn out every week. People working too hard or working with organisational bullies and psychopaths. A recent study by the World Health Organization and the...
Expensive resumes – executive career changers

Expensive resumes – executive career changers

Every now and then I’ll get a curly one. One where the client or clients were not totally up front with what they wanted when I prepared the quote. A husband and wife team in Adelaide sent me their old ‘executive’ resumes to be upgraded. They worked as CFO and IT...