Get in early – Republic booking out by Wednesday

Get in early – Republic booking out by Wednesday

My apologies to those prospective clients who are contacting me on a Thursday or Friday. By Tuesday night or Wednesday afternoon, we are booked out. It’s best to contact me early in the week – Sunday is fine – and send me your resume with the first...
Shonky resume writers

Shonky resume writers

A very angry woman told me this week she felt ‘ripped off’ by a local ‘writer’ who merely retyped her old resume in to a standard resume template nicked from Google and charged her $300.00. The ‘writer’ didn’t market her unique selling points,...
The art of the internship cover letter

The art of the internship cover letter

This post is from Alison Doyle, an American employment specialist and expert. I like her work very much. Here she writes about internship cover letters. If you are applying for an internship you will likely have to submit a cover letter as part of your application....
When all else fails, grab a sign and hit the streets

When all else fails, grab a sign and hit the streets

This story is from ABC News online. When all else fails, grab a sign and hit the streets. Kushagra Jhurani had applied for “at least” 200 jobs across Australia without any success, after graduating with a Masters of Architecture last year. “Seven years of...
Five PC interview questions you should (not) ask

Five PC interview questions you should (not) ask

One of the more bizarre ‘new stories’ with a PC focus, by run by The Advertiser. It was originally sourced from The Sun in London, which is very odd. According to one UK HR expert and TikTok user, ‘taniracqurwrld’, who shares recruitment advice on her...