‘My HR department let me down’ – SMH article

‘My HR department let me down’ – SMH article

This Q&A article is by Jonathan Rivett, who writes for the Sydney Morning Herald. I’ve edited it for length. The relationship between HR and workers has always been vexed. I will write more on this later but if you have a serious issue, it’s usually proper...
Republic Resumes helps older jobseekers get a job

Republic Resumes helps older jobseekers get a job

There was a time people when South Australians between 55-65, were retiring and lying on the beach or riding rickshaws in exotic locales. Not anymore because they can’t download their super early or simply don’t have enough saved. The last thing they were thinking...
Shonky Adelaide recruiter asks for CV before sending PD

Shonky Adelaide recruiter asks for CV before sending PD

Every now and then I hear things on the grapevine, which confirms that recruiters are reprehensible, unethical A-holes, who, when the revolutions comes, should be stood up against the wall and shot. There is allegedly a recruiter at Hudson in Adelaide who won’t send...
Creating a LinkedIn profile

Creating a LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn sites add more breadth and detail than a resume but the two should work together as strategic marketing documents. A strong LinkedIn profile lets people know who you are, what you do and what you’re interested in. Add a professional profile photo. It...
TAFE SA and SATAC fail again and again and again

TAFE SA and SATAC fail again and again and again

If you’ve ever wondered why South Australians chose interstate online training and education providers, look no further. TAFE SA and SATAC are basket cases. Chandra Bangaru (pictured) quit his job as a chef in preparation for full-time study and a fresh start as...
Casual workers forgotten in COVID lockdowns

Casual workers forgotten in COVID lockdowns

As almost half of Australia battles through lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of casual workers without leave entitlements or JobKeeper payments, are facing an uncertain and anxious future. Snap COVID lockdowns are in place across Greater Sydney and until recently,...