Nothing more dead than a deadline breaker

Nothing more dead than a deadline breaker

We hate deadline breakers. They show us and prospective employers how useless they would be as employees. We’ve heard all of the excuses. The dog died. Car accident. Sick uncle. Dog ate it. Computer failure. Forgot to save. Wedding anniversary. Alien invasion...
Check the job criteria before applying

Check the job criteria before applying

We often get requests from Adelaide clients to update a resume and draft a cover letter to apply for a specific position. In a few cases, the client hasn’t looked or doesn’t realise they don’t have the ESSENTIAL experience or a qualification, for a key part of the...
Oz unemployment at 4.9%? Send in the clowns…

Oz unemployment at 4.9%? Send in the clowns…

The ABS unemployment methodology is no longer fit for purpose. Sydney and Melbourne’s CBD’s are wastelands (Adelaide was bad before the virus) with hospitality and tourism on their knees, international air travel grounded and our universities are tumbleweed cities....
Client testimonials are gold to resume writers

Client testimonials are gold to resume writers

The true currency of a professional resume writer is client testimonials. I value them above all else. If a business doesn’t have solid and current testimonials, avoid them like Covid-19. “Malcolm has provided a fantastic service to our 70 employees at Coca-Cola...
Republic Resumes fights back as Adelaide’s CBD dies

Republic Resumes fights back as Adelaide’s CBD dies

A Deloitte Economics report says Adelaide’s CBD has been smashed by the Covid-19 restrictions and it will take until 2026/7 before retailers can see light at the end of the tunnel. Adelaide’s CBD was in dire straits before the restrictions and now it’s a scene out of,...
International jobseekers find jobs with Republic

International jobseekers find jobs with Republic

International jobseekers in Adelaide have a hard time. Republic Resumes kicks down the door for onshore international clients. Marina Soares was a Trade Marketing Analyst with six years’ experience in the beverage and cosmetics industries in Brazil. She had kicked...