LinkedIn profile writing tips

LinkedIn profile writing tips

LinkedIn sites are important for professionals, especially if you have a unique skills set or work background. Simple and straight forward sites are also handy for post graduate students. They are less useful for line workers because recruiters don’t cruise for them...
KPMG Australia unethical – fined by US watchdog

KPMG Australia unethical – fined by US watchdog

And you think recruiters and resume writers were unethical? Checkout this mob. This edited story was sourced from the SMH. Written by Sandra Danckert. The Australian arm of one of the world’s biggest accounting firms, KPMG, was fined $613,000 by the US accounting...
New nuclear sub build for Adelaide

New nuclear sub build for Adelaide

Australia in collaboration with the UK and USA, will now build nuclear-powered submarines in Adelaide, instead of the French Barracuda-class submarines. The U.S. plans to share its submarine nuclear propulsion technology with Australia, as countries in the region look...
Bad news behind the new unemployment figures

Bad news behind the new unemployment figures

A steep fall in hours worked last month paints a more accurate accurate picture than the unemployment numbers of the economic pain caused by the COVID lockdowns. The official ABS figures show unemployment dipped from 4.6 per cent in July to 4.5 per cent in August,...
‘Kiss of death’ for CBD retailers

‘Kiss of death’ for CBD retailers

In a kiss of death for many CBD retailers, working from home is here to stay according to the federal government’s key economic adviser, with a new report suggesting some people might even take a pay cut to remain in their home office. The percentage of...
One in five jobs in Western Sydney go in lockdown

One in five jobs in Western Sydney go in lockdown

One in five jobs across parts of western Sydney has disappeared since the lockdowns started and across Australia, payrolls fell by 0.7 per cent in the fortnight to August 14, which will have GST ramifications for SA and Tassie. The Australian Bureau of Statistics said...