Dodgy cover letter from an ‘Adelaide’ resume mill

Dodgy cover letter from an ‘Adelaide’ resume mill

Unfortunately we have to do far too many rewrites of resumes and cover letters for people who have gone to ‘cut and paste’ resume mills. Below is an example of a ‘cut and paste’ cover letter from an ‘Adelaide’ CBD business – which actually operates...
Adelaide’s Republic Resumes kicks more goals

Adelaide’s Republic Resumes kicks more goals

With a new government about to take power in South Australia, all eyes will be on its achievements. Republic Resumes is grounded in achievements. How important are Google reviews when you are hiring a resume writer to help you get a job? They are everything. What...
Republic Resumes in Adelaide open

Republic Resumes in Adelaide open

Hi Folks, I’ve had ten days off touring Tasmania and enjoying the beauty of Bruny Island and the Styx and Franklin Rivers. I’ve got a small backlog of clients but I will take new clients today. One of my younger clients, Eric, last week got a job just out...
The trials of selection criteria – not for us!

The trials of selection criteria – not for us!

Once upon a time, when dinosaurs ruled the earth, we used to write government and NGO selection criteria. We charged the standard fee of $40.00 per criteria. We didn’t write many in Adelaide because of the price. They were a lot of work and while we had success, I had...
Government program creates a miserable 7300 jobs

Government program creates a miserable 7300 jobs

It’s hard not to be cynical when two million people were thrown out of work or furloughed when the lockdowns hit in 2020 and 2021. Now we find the federal government’s $4 billion employment program only funded a handful of jobs. The JobMaker scheme only managed to...
Careers and a virtuous life

Careers and a virtuous life

This story by Shane Rogers, the Queensland Head of AIG, appeared in the media a while ago. I kept it because it’s a great summary of passion, virtue, respect and pursuing a career. It’s the best piece of career advice I’ve found. “Almost...