Employment rising faster than working age population

Employment rising faster than working age population

I’ve been criticised for being too negative about the ABS unemployment figures. But people are actually getting jobs and unemployment is falling. This story is an edited version of Gareth Hutchens’ story at the ABC. He’s killing it so far as explaining what’s...
More wage theft at Woolworths

More wage theft at Woolworths

I write a lot of resumes for young Adelaide people wanting to get in the FMCG industry. It’s often they’re first job. Woolworths ripping off their workers is a blight on the industry. The total cost of staff underpayments at Woolworths has ballooned to...
Lower unemployment without immigration

Lower unemployment without immigration

If you’re chasing a job, now is a good time to look but note, not every one believes the unemployment figures are true. The Treasurer wants to get people into jobs, so he wasn’t going to deliver an “austerity” budget by chasing a budget surplus. This...
Senate’s damning report on wage theft

Senate’s damning report on wage theft

With inflation going up and wages flat, spare a thought for the thousands of people who are victims of wage theft. I’ve written a lot about wage theft, which is a business strategy for many employers. The Adelaide victims sometimes come to me for help to get another...
Resume packages of generic crap

Resume packages of generic crap

Some people say, “Malcolm, surely resume writing businesses can’t be pasting whole chunks of generic pap in to cover letters and resumes and charging people for it. That’s a report to Consumer Affairs.” Below is an example of a first paragraph ‘cut and paste’ cover...
Deadline breakers need not apply

Deadline breakers need not apply

Everyone has an excuse for breaking deadlines: The dog died. Car accident. Sick uncle. Dog ate it (same dog). Computer failure. Forgot to save. Wedding anniversary. Alien invasion. We’ve heard them all. I once had a senior administrator who broke a deadline because he...