Deadline breakers need not apply

Deadline breakers need not apply

Everyone has an excuse for breaking deadlines: The dog died. Car accident. Sick uncle. Dog ate it (same dog). Computer failure. Forgot to save. Wedding anniversary. Alien invasion. We’ve heard them all. I once had a senior administrator who broke a deadline because he...
Hints when using a resume writer

Hints when using a resume writer

Most online resume writers don’t live in the cities they claim to be in. They ‘trick’ Google to saying they operate in Adelaide or where ever. Most work out of Sydney or Melbourne – except for Republic Resumes. DUMP GENERIC COVER LETTERS When you ask for a...
Cover letters that work

Cover letters that work

I enjoy writing targeted cover letters in partnership with clients (after we’ve written the resume). Every paragraph is a ‘punchy’ selling point, which goes to the heart of the application. Don’t use the same cover letter for different job applications. This is where...
Generic ‘cut and paste’ cover letters kill job chances

Generic ‘cut and paste’ cover letters kill job chances

Unfortunately below is another dodgy generic cover letter written by the same ‘cut and paste’ Adelaide CBD business – which actually operates out of Perth. This is one is a year old. It was written for a guy in the state’s north who wanted to get in to mining. It’s...
Send old resume and cover in 24 hours

Send old resume and cover in 24 hours

I’ve changed the terms and conditions, which will help clients who are die-hard job seekers while eliminating ‘window shoppers’. Prospective clients now need to provide us with their old or current documentation within 24 hours of our request. The reason is, we can...
Federal Budget won’t drive wages growth

Federal Budget won’t drive wages growth

I work in employment services and also write articles on employment and unemployment. There’s a story in today’s Sydney Morning Herald, which is a head scratcher. The Federal Government is going to use the budget to increase wages because workers (mainly battlers)...