Fake job scams

Fake job scams

When job hunting we don’t think twice about handing over personal information. Seek.com.au is full of fake job ads, where your personal information is being sold by fake-job advertisers to companies who then try and talk you into doing a “free” training course, to get...
Another happy Republic Resume customer

Another happy Republic Resume customer

Dave lives south of Sydney and has a military background. I could see something right away in the old resume he sent to be updated. His skills, although ill-defined, were deep and comprehensive. It took three drafts to pull his resume in to commercial shape. He had...
Intergenerational fairness gone to hell

Intergenerational fairness gone to hell

This story is from the ABC which I’ve edited it for space. Over the next five years, you’ll hear much more about intergenerational fairness and youth poverty. I wrote this in The Advertiser seven years ago. Why am I interested in this? Because this will hit younger...
Helping older Adelaide jobseekers land a job

Helping older Adelaide jobseekers land a job

Age prejudice is thriving in Adelaide. I take special pride when one of my older clients (>55) gets a job with our help. There was a time people when people between 55-65, were retiring and cavorting on the beach or riding rickshaws in exotic locales. Not anymore...
More resume key words and clauses

More resume key words and clauses

Here are a few more ‘tricks’ which may help you get short listed, especially if recruiters use scanners. Try using key words and clauses. In a resume, you’d expect to include three or four of these. PEOPLE SKILLS These are the skills that help you interact and get...
Key word and clause resume tips

Key word and clause resume tips

As an Adelaide resume writer, I know a few tricks which may help you get short listed, especially if recruiters use scanners. Try using key words or terms. We list them as clauses in a section we call Professional Capabilities on the first page and throughout the...