Executive job search strategies

Executive job search strategies

Apologies for the long post but I want to help middle and senior executives with job search strategies. Forget the ‘shotgun’ job search method Many people still use the ‘shotgun’ method to conduct a job search. They read the job ads and submit a standard resume to as...
Don’t ignore older workers amid skills shortage

Don’t ignore older workers amid skills shortage

I’ve been posting stories on age prejudice for 12 years but one has to keep hopeful. This story is from the ABC and the full link is at the end of the blog. Diane Roberts has been looking for work for the past seven years and believes age is her biggest hurdle....
Deadline breakers need not apply

Deadline breakers need not apply

Everyone has an excuse for breaking deadlines. The dog died. Car accident. Sick uncle. Dog ate it (same dog). Computer failure. Forgot to save. Wedding anniversary. Alien invasion. We’ve heard them all. Once you’re terminated – whether you’re a prospective...
Avoid the retirement void and follow one’s passions

Avoid the retirement void and follow one’s passions

Retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be for some. When I started Republic Resumes in Adelaide about 10 per cent of my clients were retirees wanting to work part time or casually. It’s not easy with age prejudice but a good resume writer will use various...

LinkedIn users blurring lines between home and work

Since the start of the pandemic, as office workers missed in-person interactions with colleagues, many people turned to LinkedIn to help make up for what they had lost. The site now has more than 830 million users who generate about 8 million posts and comments daily....