Google reviews tell Republic’s story

Google reviews tell Republic’s story

As a resume writer, if you haven’t got more than 40 Google reviews, you’re not a player. You’re a spectator. Customer reviews and testimonials tell us we’re providing a good and valued service. Every resume has to be crafted. They must be as individual as the...
Older workers in southern Victoria defy ageism

Older workers in southern Victoria defy ageism

I know I bang on about employing older workers, so here’s another good news story from the ABC. Along the waterfront in Queenscliff on Victoria’s Bellarine Peninsula, is a restaurant where customers are more likely to be served by someone over 60, than...
Building a better life before burnout

Building a better life before burnout

As a professional resume writer, whether writing resumes, writing features and backgrounders, I hear stories of burn out every week. People working too hard or working with organisational bullies and psychopaths. A study by the World Health Organisation and the...
Cost analysis using resume writers

Cost analysis using resume writers

A professional resume writer – not a back yard shonk – will increase your chances of being short-listed by around 30 percent. We charge in the $200-$400 price range but a full executive CV will cost top dollar. Let’s say the job pays $80,000 per annum and a...
Hints when using a resume writer

Hints when using a resume writer

RESUMES People often ask me what’s the secret of a good resume. Here it is ….. (drum roll)…State what you did in the job point by point and against each point, state what you achieved. Achievements can be measured as statistics, or in dollars, ratios – all sorts of...
Race to the bottom

Race to the bottom

You might think this post has got nothing to do with professional writing, job hunting or resumes. But hold your horses. Until we put a stop to them (for other reasons), we were inundated with international and local university and TAFE graduates who couldn’t write....