Adelaide resume writers go to work for you

Adelaide resume writers go to work for you

A professionally written resume should showcase your talent, skills and experience to grab the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. As an Adelaide resume writer, I work to get you short-listed for advertised positions. I’ll do the hard work and in partnership...
My ten cents on wage growth

My ten cents on wage growth

Here’s my ten cents having talked to thousands of people in and out of the workforce. Franklin D Roosevelt knew that to revitalise revitalise the American economic activity during the Great Depression, every worker needed to be decently paid. Instead of businesses...
Finance sectors whines and million-dollar fines dumped

Finance sectors whines and million-dollar fines dumped

Remember the Haynes Royal Commission in to the extraordinary rip off practices conducted by the banks and the financial sector? We had three Adelaide resume clients who were so badly effected, they lost their livelihoods. The government had planned to hit finance...
Nailing video job interviews

Nailing video job interviews

The COVID-19 era has led to people working from home, which has stripped a human element from the recruitment interviewing process. For job seekers and candidates, video interviews provide a chance to showcase themselves and their abilities in a way that doesn’t come...
Inflation sees student debt soar

Inflation sees student debt soar

Every wonder why you see young people with a frown on their face? It could be because they’re carrying a whacking great HECS or FEE HELP bill. We write plenty of resumes for people in their 20s and 30s, who are studying part-time and working multiple low-paid casual...
Robots to write resumes?

Robots to write resumes?

I suppose the spam email below may be the shape of things to come in professional and news writing: “I wanted to tell you about our new AI which is shaping the future of artificial intelligence writing. With a few words from you our AI can write video scripts, blog...