Republic Resumes open for 2023

Republic Resumes open for 2023

We’re open and ready for another year. Ready to help people find a job, change careers or get that important promotion. Here’s a story from the ABC which focuses on job security. There’s no such thing but some jobs will be more secure than others:...
Ending the year on a high

Ending the year on a high

That’s it for 2022. We’re back on deck on Monday, 9 January 2023. It has been an exceptional year for getting people jobs and job interviews in Adelaide. Below is a final testimonial from a client who wanted to purchase a gym franchise. I created a first...
The trials of selection criteria – not for us!

The trials of selection criteria – not for us!

Once upon a time, when dinosaurs ruled the earth, we used to write government and NGO selection criteria. We charged the standard fee of $40.00 per criteria. There were usually between 10 and 12 essential and desirable criteria. We didn’t write many in Adelaide...
Adelaide resume writers earn more testimonials

Adelaide resume writers earn more testimonials

Quite a year! Amongst our individual clients, we completed a number of enjoyable and challenging professional writing contracts for Adelaide businesses. As we are entering the holiday season, Republic will turn off the phone from 16 December 2022 to Monday, 9 January...
Republic Resumes leads the pack

Republic Resumes leads the pack

What a year for job seekers! We are particularly proud that 65-70 per cent of our clients got short-listed for jobs in Adelaide. While recruiters make much of resume scanning equipment, many resumes in Adelaide are still hand read. There are issues with scanning...
Good and bad cover letters

Good and bad cover letters

I’m always on the lookout for good short articles on cover letters. The link below from Seek uses a nice infographic to show the distinction between a good cover letter and a bad cover letter....