LinkedIn: ‘A lot of nonsense’

LinkedIn: ‘A lot of nonsense’

Even though LinkedIn has dumbed down the template for creating personal sites, we still write them because they help clients get work. This article by Lucinda Holdforth appeared in the Fairfax media last week and it’s so true. “LinkedIn was a place where people put...
Retirees in demand in tight job market

Retirees in demand in tight job market

ABS figures reckon around 45,000 more people aged 65 and older are in the workforce than at the same time last year. Age prejudice still lurks but economic necessity has taken charge. It’s not surprising more older people are going back to work given the pension age...
How often should I update my resume?

How often should I update my resume?

Even if you aren’t actively looking for a new role, it’s important to get into the habit of regularly updating your resume. If you keep your resume up-to-date, when you do come to the point when you want to find a new position, there’s no risk that you’ll forget key...
Focus the resume on the job

Focus the resume on the job

Use common sense when writing your resume. If you have been employed for many years and your career has evolved over time, don’t include every role you’ve ever held. That includes the casual retail position you had in high school or the captaincy of your social...
New software operating system

New software operating system

Hi Folks, We are installing a new software system today (Sunday 30 July), so sorry for an inconvenience. I am also migrating over a lot of Word and graphics files for Republic Media, which will take about 24 hours to complete. Back on deck Monday morning. Kind...
Rejected again? Checkout your resume

Rejected again? Checkout your resume

Rejection is hard to take. Those bastards! Don’t they realise I’m perfect for the job?!! I have a lot of sympathy for people who get angry over job application rejections. In Adelaide, it’s sometimes due to the fact you are black, an Asian male or...