Unemployment white paper turns yellow

Unemployment white paper turns yellow

The Albanese government’s white paper which was released last week, wants to fix major problems in the labour market. It says the concept of ‘full employment,’ as the Reserve Bank defines it, is inadequate. John Maynard Keynes said involuntary unemployment, which...
Bastard job interviews

Bastard job interviews

This Q&A was in the Sydney Morning Herald recently. Pretty good advice. Also – get lawyer. I went for a job interview at a company in the same industry, and during the interview I explained, professionally, issues at my current workplace, and why I wanted to...
Get your resume noticed by Adelaide employers

Get your resume noticed by Adelaide employers

Keep it simple. A simple format is easier for text programs to screen and easier for recruiters to read. Use a basic font. The best font to use is Times New Roman or Calibri. Use 10 to 11 point. Use bold to highlight job titles and employers. Use bullets. Less is more...
Testimonials: proof of professionalism

Testimonials: proof of professionalism

When I started Republic Resumes, I wanted to use my professional writing and editing skills to get people in Adelaide short-listed for work and to land jobs. Here are some testimonials from happy clients. Note they use their last names. “I applied for a position at...
ChatGPT not great for writing CVs

ChatGPT not great for writing CVs

Systems driven by artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT, are being used by job applicants to write resumes and cover letters. Recruiters warn that AI-generated content may hinder an applicant, particularly when it inflates the candidate’s experience and skills...
Age prejudice and the 50s and over

Age prejudice and the 50s and over

I’ve been following the plight of older and younger job seekers for 15 years. Every now and then, there’s a minor break through. From the age of 50, Martin Smith felt he was considered “too old” for the job. “When you are knocking on doors and see the look on people’s...