The labour market – a view from the frontline

The labour market – a view from the frontline

Resume writers have a good view of the labour market from the front line. Here’s a few things I noted which deeply concerned me. The June quarter ABS national accounts will show Australia is in its first recession in almost three decades. In fact, this is worse than a...
Do you really need a resume writer?

Do you really need a resume writer?

Many resume writing services offer unbelievably low rates. This is a red flag. Avoid the, “$60 resume and a 24-hour turnaround time.” More often than not, a low rate means you’re getting an inexperienced writer who is willing to be compensated for much less (some...
Older workers cast on job scrap heap

Older workers cast on job scrap heap

We should call the Covid-19 recession for what it is. The beginning of a major economic Depression. The ABS unemployment methodology makes us think we’re ‘holidaying in the Greek islands’ when we are being beaten around the head by an economy on life...
More testimonials for Republic Resumes

More testimonials for Republic Resumes

During the virus, Republic Resume has been inundated with a large number of enquiries. The best reply to those who ask about our results, are the testimonials by former clients. Unfortunately, there’s some bad news too. But first… The good news “I was fortunate...
The dregs: resume writers who cut and paste

The dregs: resume writers who cut and paste

In the last two weeks I’ve had three clients send me resumes written by other writing agencies listed in Adelaide. They were appalling. One spelt the client’s name wrong. Another has got the client’s mobile phone number wrong. How will a recruiter contact them? All...
Work from home better than home from work

Work from home better than home from work

Republic Resumes went fully online seven years ago. I write employment documents for people across Australia (mainly SA and NSW) and Singapore. I use cloud technology, email for drafting and sometimes Microsoft Teams. This story is from the ABC’s, Daniel Ziffer. The...