Illawarra healthcare jobs boom

Illawarra healthcare jobs boom

The three sectors providing the most employment in the Illawarra region are healthcare, education and retail. They employ about 40 per cent of people who work in the region. Healthcare Healthcare is the biggest and fastest growing employer. About 15 per cent of the...
Republic Resumes helps older worker land job

Republic Resumes helps older worker land job

I take special pride when one of our older clients (>55) gets a job with our help. Below is a testimonial from Allen in Adelaide. “Hi Malcolm, just a quick note to let you know that I have been offered a position as a warehouse and logistics officer with a small...
No career change resumes for six months

No career change resumes for six months

We will not accept career change resumes or career change applications for six months (until 1 March 2021), due to the deteriorating demand in the labour market. We are getting an increasing number of people seeking our help to apply for jobs they have no chance of...
Latest from Republic Resumes

Latest from Republic Resumes

Time to update the Republic blog on the jobs front. My apologies for the spree of the economic news stories – once a reporter, etc. Some of the stories I rewrote from the SMH, online specialist news and my own sources. I wanted to give readers a feel of the gravity...
Forget GDP, it’s jobs!

Forget GDP, it’s jobs!

Forget GDP numbers. The true measure of an economic downturn is employment and unfortunately, the ABS methodology understates that by 30-40 per percent. Small business owners and ordinary workers are taking a hammering. The last official recession was back in 1991. It...
How the workforce may change

How the workforce may change

As a resume writer, I’ve watched the decline (but not extinction) of manufacturing. Unfortunately, administration and retail jobs will follow. That’s why career counsellors are so important. This economic crisis is brutal with workers in the hospitality, tourism,...