No evidence doubled JobSeeker created dole bludgers

No evidence doubled JobSeeker created dole bludgers

As resume writers, we know how hard job hunters scrounge for work. There are still ridiculous elements who think being on the dole is a party. Two of Australia’s top labour market and welfare academics say there is no evidence doubling the dole at the height of...
Jobs on the rise during Covid-19

Jobs on the rise during Covid-19

Jobs for number crunchers, data and software specialists, engineers and video game developers, have surged to the top of the hiring pile as the coronavirus upends Australia’s job market. With the COVID-19 outbreak, the amount of data has dramatically risen due...
Solving work problems – put them in your resume

Solving work problems – put them in your resume

As Adelaide resume writers, we see scores of resumes which have great design, great formatting and look a million dollars. The problem is that when you dig down, they’re just list of duties and responsibilities copied and pasted from a job description. This is...
Republic Resumes scores new testimonial

Republic Resumes scores new testimonial

I reckon in the last ten years in Adelaide, I’ve personally helped through Republic Resumes, get about 2000 people short-listed for work and around 1000 of those landed jobs. It’s hard to say with Covid-19 and the appalling state of the SA economy, how many of...
Teen job interview questions

Teen job interview questions

Here are some typical interview questions that teen applicants may be asked. Take the time to practice how you would answer them so they reflect you, as a person and as a candidate for employment. The hardest question? Tell me about yourself. Script that. The second...