Resume writers have a good view of the labour market from the front line. Here’s a few things I noted which deeply concerned me.
The June quarter ABS national accounts will show Australia is in its first recession in almost three decades. In fact, this is worse than a recession.
National sales of accommodation and food services dropped by 39.1 per cent, while those in arts and recreation tumbled by 37.1 per cent.
Retail sales fell 3.1 per cent with the sector enduring a fifth consecutive monthly drop for the first time on record. Even the mining sector recorded a 1.8 per cent drop in sales.
In Adelaide, these figures won’t be researched or reported locally but if you add 20 per cent in the negative, you won’t be far off.
Company operating profits soared by a record 15 per cent but the ABS reported this was due to government subsidies such as JobKeeper and cash for employer programs.
Wages and salaries suffered a record 3.3 per cent drop in the quarter.
The RBA predicted in a worst case scenario. that the housing market may fall by up to 40 per cent. That won’t happen but falls of 10 to 15 per cent are realistic.
Australia is so puffed up on housing wealth that a significant fall will drag down a huge section of the economy and that’s a problem if you’re a job seeker.
People hold on to their money when house prices crumble and there’s a knock-on fall in household spending on things like food and education, health insurance and cars, house repairs and renovations.
These account for 56 per cent of domestic expenditure. That cash creates jobs.