See you in court

Lying by omission on a resume

This is a problem for resume writers as we don’t always know if the client is avoiding telling all the information. We have to go on trust.

One resume writer in Melbourne told an Adelaide client that he’s a local (he’s tricking Google Maps). She then came to us.

He told her that she could pass off volunteer work as paid employment.

That’s fraud and a lie of omission.

Lying by omission is when you leave out crucial information in an attempt to mislead someone. It’s a form of deception that can be difficult to identify because everything you’re saying is true. However, it doesn’t paint the full picture.

There are a few ways you can lie by omission:

  • Not revealing relevant information about your identity;
  • Using half-truths, which means you’re only telling part of the truth;
  • Not disclosing the original source of the information and
  • Failing to correct misconceptions or misinformation.

Implicating something that isn’t true as a result of your word choices.

Misrepresentation occurs when an individual makes false statements or hides information with the intent to deceive others. By giving false information on a resume, applicants can be held liable for their actions.

Termination: If an employer discovers that an employee has lied on their resume, it can lead to immediate termination. Employers have the right to terminate an employment contract if they find that an employee provided false information during the hiring process.

Civil Liability: In certain cases, employers may suffer financial losses or reputational damage due to a fraudulent hire. This can give rise to civil lawsuits, where the employer may seek compensation for damages as a result of the employee’s dishonesty.

Criminal Charges: In extreme cases involving severe misrepresentations or fabrications, lying on a resume can result in criminal charges. This typically occurs when the falsehoods are directly related to qualifications required by law, such as professional certifications or licenses. Depending on jurisdiction, individuals may face charges such as fraud, forgery, or false statements, carrying potential fines and even imprisonment.

Damage to Professional Reputation: Lying on a resume not only jeopardises a person’s current employment but also damages their professional reputation. Word can spread within industry circles, making it difficult to secure future employment opportunities.

Put your best foot forward

Malcolm builds expert resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles, which unleash an unbeatable business case to promote you as a ‘must have’ asset to an employer.