International students have welcomed the news that Australia wants to keep them here for longer after they graduate.
They reckon the move will not only help to attract more students to Australian universities but will help them to secure graduate roles.
Under new rules proposed at the two-day Jobs and Skills Summit, select international student bachelor graduates will be able to work for four years, up from two, after graduating.
Master degree students will be able to work for five years, up from three, and PhD students will be able to work for six years, up from four.
There is a fair bet nursing, engineering and IT students will be given priority.
I worry about international students trying crack a paid job in their field after graduating in Adelaide.
They are part of a con perpetuated by the state government and local universities, who say the local employment market will welcome them with open arms.
This is spin aimed at relieving international students and their parents of large sums of money.
I wish I had a dollar for every Indian and Pakistani taxi driver with a Master degree I’ve spoken to, about the trials of getting work in Adelaide.
I wrote this story a few years ago and it’s as true now as it ever was:
Adelaide is an employment basket case for local graduates, let alone international students.