We will not accept career change resumes or career change applications for six months (until 1 March 2021), due to the deteriorating demand in the labour market.
We are getting an increasing number of people seeking our help to apply for jobs they have no chance of getting.
Many are immigrants and working class battlers – and I understand that. But they are wasting their time and ours.
Here are two examples:
- If a candidate has been working in a factory for five years as a picker and packer, and they now want to change careers to work in a government call centre, it doesn’t matter if James Joyce writes the resume, it won’t be short-listed. This was true before the Covid-19 recession and it’s doubly true now. Right now, jobs such as call centre and warehouse operators are in heavy demand. Employers are getting between 400-500 applications per job.
- If a candidate has worked as a city courier for five years and wants to work in the mines, they will need extensive current tickets and licences. Working as a plant operator or in construction may help to get short-listed for a mining job. Courier work won’t. They are wasting their time.
Like must match like.
If you don’t work in that specific area, you don’t make the short list. You won’t even make the long list.
But that’s only my opinion. Other resume writers will be happy to take your money.