Everyone has an excuse for breaking our deadlines.
The dog died. Car accident. Sick uncle. Dog ate it. Computer failure. Forgot to save. Wedding anniversary. Alien invasion. We’ve heard them all … or the classic, “I’ve changed my mind.”
The best excuse I heard was a man who caught his girlfriend having a romantic dinner with his best friend. He was so upset, he couldn’t write a thing. I liked that one.
I once had a senior administrator who broke two deadlines before we terminated him. He believed I could write his ten-year career history off the top of my head. Miracle worker!
After the client has agreed to the terms and conditions (and I again mention the importance of the 24-hour rule in the agreement email), we require all work to arrive at Republic on time (or before).
Remember, clients come to us. We rarely negotiate extensions. Break deadlines without any notification we want them out. Why?
Breaking deadlines not only destroys the business model but wastes time we could have spent helping people who are desperate to get a job during the greatest recession Australia has known.
That’s time we could have spent writing employment marketing documents for customers who recognise they’re working in partnership with professional writers.
We respect them and they respect us.